Everything About EPS-TOPIK 2025

Do you want to work in the Korean labor market? If yes, take 2025 EPS TOPIK to get a work permit.

Are you looking for a job in South Korea’s ever-growing labor market? The EPS (employment permit system) is one such option.

You need to learn Korean and take the EPS TOPIK test.

Do you want to know more about test centers, eligibility, and how to apply and prepare? This article will cover everything.

Read along.

Table of Contents

What is EPS (Employment Permit System)?

At the time, the Republic of Korea was a net exporter of immigrants.

Today, the economy’s high growth and rapid development make it an attractive destination for employees worldwide.

The young and educated South Koreans in their ’20s and ’30s prefer to work in big firms like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, POSCO, and Kia Motors.

Because of all these, there was always a shortage of a sufficient workforce across industries.

Employment Permit System

The government started the EPS to help SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) solve their shortfalls. These private sector businesses make up 99.9% of the total Korean companies.

The EPS is a bilateral cooperation between two governments to ease the labor migration process.

They implemented excellent global practices to hire low-skilled foreign workers for jobs in Korea.

When founded in 2014, the Korean government had a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with only six nations. Today, in 2025, it has increased to 16 countries.

What is EPS TOPIK?

EPS-TOPIK, Employment Permit System—Test of Proficiency in Korean, is a specialized Korean ability test.

The KLAT or TOPIK are general tests that are functional for various purposes. In contrast, this unique test is designed to recruit foreign workers for the Korean labor market.

Who conducts the test?

The Human Resources Development Service of South Korea administers the test.

The HRD Korea operates under South Korea’s Ministry of Employment and Labor.

They also collaborate with different governments to help them organize the test.

What is the purpose?

They designed it to measure the Korean skills of migrant workers.

This ensures they can work in an environment where everyone speaks Korean and follows a distinct culture.

Do you want to work in Korea’s manufacturing, construction, agriculture, or heavy and light industries?

In that case, the EPS TOPIK score can be a real benefit.

Per your performance, you will qualify to apply for jobs in South Korea.

First, submit your job application through the designated agency allowed by the government.

Most of these EPS jobs are valid for one year from the day of approval. You will get a working visa (E-9) if all goes well.

Eligibility criteria for the applicants

Here are a few requirements:

  1. The age should be between 19 and 39 (Male or Female).
  2. There should be no criminal history in the home country, and immigration must not be restricted.
  3. The applicant must not have records of illegal stay or deportation from South Korea.
  4. The person must be from one of the eligible nations and meet the acceptability specifications decided by both countries.
  5. There should be proper physical and mental fitness for working in Korea.
  6. If earlier worked in Korea, the candidate must have completed the required period before returning to Korea.

Overview of the EPS TOPIK

Let’s find out everything about the test.

EPS-TOPIK Korean Exam

Test structure

This is a single-level exam. There are two sections:

  • Listening: 20 questions — 100 points, 25 minutes.
  • Reading: 20 questions — 100 points, 25 minutes

The total number of questions is 40, and the duration is 50 minutes. There is no break between these two modules.

Candidates can choose between two methods:

  • PBT (Paper-Based Test), and
  • CBT (Computer-Based Test).

All questions are MCQs (Multiple-Choice Questions), and you must select one correct answer from four choices.

The examination curriculum

This tests your basic understanding of Korean society, business culture, and industry-specific information.

You also need beginner communication skills in the Korean language to perform daily activities.

The reading segment has elementary vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and practical day-to-day duties.

EPS-TOPIK reading test

The listening contains basic conversation, pronunciation, and visual data for regular work.

EPS TOPIK test structure

How to pass EPS-TOPIK?

To pass, candidates need at least 80 out of 200 marks. They also maintain a list that has the highest score from the top.

The final selection depends on the other eligibility criteria and the total number of applicants. HRD Korea decides this.

How to apply?

There are two ways to register for the test — offline and online.

You can visit the approved place. Fill out the form, choose the dates and test center, and submit the registration fee.

You can register online on the government website when dates are available. This is the simplest way.

Please complete the form with personal details and information related to this test. Attach a scanned copy of your passport and photo. Finally, complete the form and pay the cost.

The validity of EPS TOPIK

The score is valid for only two years from the date of test result announcements.

Once the term expires, one must retake to apply for EPS jobs in Korea.

Testing centers across the world

As of January 2025, there are 35 EPS-TOPIK centers in 17 East, Central, and South Asian countries.

EPS TOPIK test centers

The testing centers depend on the MoU between the two countries.

If your country is not on the list, there is no arrangement, and you’re not eligible to appear for the test.

EPS TOPIK 2025 Dates

They conduct the test once a year. The EPS TOPIK test dates and timing vary depending on the test centers. They often declare the result within 2-4 weeks.

You can get in touch with the respective center for more details.

They might postpone or cancel the upcoming test for various reasons. So, contact or visit their official website for the latest updates.

The examination fee

The exam fee differs depending on the country but can range between $20 and $40.

How to prepare?

HRD Korea has published a book, “The Standard Korean Textbook.” This is mainly for studying EPS TOPIK.

This covers the syllabus, from basic Korean language skills to work-related content.

You can download the entire lesson from the site. — LINK.

There are tons of reading and listening study materials and sample papers to help you prepare. You can also find several e-books for country-specific language and translated content.

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Vikash Gupta
Vikash Gupta

I’m a linguist, lifelong learner, blogger, and fun-loving guy. I write at studyfrenchspanish.com, languagenext.com, joyofjapanese.com, joyofchinese.com, joyofkorean.com, joyoffrench.com, and joyofspanish.com.


  1. Hi, I am Bhoomi “14 years old”
    I need guidance as I passionate to learn the Korean language and want to pursue it as a career. Right now learning basic Korean from a private tutor. Please reply and guide me.

    • You can continue learning through a private tutor. Later, you can enroll in a higher-level at any recognized university or private institution. You can also take the TOPIK test to obtain international certification. This will help you get a job requiring Korean or if you intend to go to Korea.

  2. I hope we can have a chance to work in Korea as factory workers to help our family’s needs and survive in a pandemic situation. I only got 85 points. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️

  3. This is my big dream…to go there someday…I’m excited to challenge myself to learn about the different things.

    • This is general, and not country-specific. There are some differences in a particular country due to various reasons.

  4. I wanna attend for EPS Topik exam from UAE. Bcz currently, I m working in UAE. If i pass, the exam can eligible for the work permit from my country?

  5. Sir I’ve selected measurement in profession. Is it OK to go Korea? Is it a mistake 🤔 kindly confirm that which work will be given to me there in Korea of I’ll be selected.

  6. The eps topic test is very toughest test there is too much short time in reading test I were attend test but not success the give too much paragraph in test that’s why very huge number or students are failed👎The graphic of computer is very cheap in Pakistan.

  7. Is any Korean want worker for their company please let me know I’ll guide you how you to apply privately E7.3 visa only Korean can contect me.

  8. I passed the exam last year but due to some problem I didn’t fill the form. Can I still apply? Appeared exam in the month of September and got result in December 2021.

      • I’m from Philippines and already passed the EPS TOPIK examination it’s been a 1year and 7 months until now I don’t have a employer. Can you please help me to find a employer before the expiration of may roster. I really want to work in south Korea

        • You can look for companies and apply. It would be tough to find exact companies that fits your criteria. You can try.

  9. Sir how many times the EPS topik is conducted? And which country have more applications for EPS-topik world wide?

  10. I hope we can have a chance to work in Korea as factory workers to help our family’s needs and survive in a pandemic situation

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